

Professional brand presence is one of the most important basics of a company or service. I can provide a variety of services individually tied to your company's needs such as the following:

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Build a brand:
A brand is not a logo or a product. It is the feeling people have while consuming, using, or looking at the product or service. This can only be created by drawing the right image in the minds of your target group.

Create a Corporate Identity (CI):
Using a specific brand logo, font, colours, wordings, layouts, etc. is fundamental for professional communication. I am happy to support you in creating and implementing a CI for your company.

Good products and services can only convert to revenue if they reach customers. Communicating within the right channels, frequency and content can bring conversions to another level.

The daily routine and stress make it hard to keep a neutral view of your communication and platforms. That's why it can be very helpful to get an outside view of your channels. I'm sure there is potential to increase performance and sales.

The quickest way of communicating with customers is doing it yourself. I am happy to teach you how and provide manuals to support you. So you have a quick cheat sheet in case you forget certain steps.


The need for individualism has never been more in focus than in today's streetwear scene. People tend to move away from major brands and focus more on small underground brands that represent their interests and values. This creates a niche for opinion leaders, artists and celebrities to create their own brands and distribute their products to their followers. I work in close contact with a producer in Turkey and can provide fully custom fits and designs for your company or brand.

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The art of merchandise is creating special products that have a space in the everyday life of the consumer. It has to be something they like to wear, use or look at. This is the way to create a long-lasting relationship with potential customers as they are continuously reminded of the brand by their new favourite piece.


During the past 5 years, I have worked on many boardsports related events, either in person or online. From outdoor events in remote locations to city center events and in-store activations, due to my long experience, I know what is important to get the event vibe going.

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Outdoor Events: From downtown to the mountains, events always engage many people. By creating a welcoming environment for target groups, brands have a good base for communicating values and services.

In-Store Events: Promotions right next to the point of sale have proven to be successful. The key is to find a way to motivate customers to approach by themselves, so they don't feel forced into the communication.

Online Events: Within the last couple of years, the interaction in virtual events has gained a lot of interest. In particular, movie screenings, panel discussions, or presentations are a perfect format to reach people regardless of their location.


Social media is a tool that is used by almost every person and company. However, the right way of using these tools makes the difference between shine and blame. I am happy to support the creation of content and media plan.

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Live Events and Takeover: Due to today's overflow of content, coverage must be live to gain enough interest. A quick amateur-style takeover can engage more than a professional recap clip if the timing is right.

Content Creation: I am no professional photographer or filmer, but I know how to use my gear and what to post to engage the community as well as to distribute the values of the organizers or sponsors.

Filters and Stickers: Filters and stickers have made their way into the daily life of most people. By providing these tools, you can get users to brand their posts and at the same time create a great base for interaction with potential customers. (e.g. by starting a raffle; using user-generated content)